How it works

Your Healthy Back Programme

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The movement, breath work, relaxation, visualisation and affirmation used in the Healthy Back programme are based on Dru Yoga. With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, Dru works on body, mind and spirit—improving strength and flexibility, creating core stability, building a heightened feeling of positivity, and deeply relaxing and rejuvenating your whole being.


Man does sitting spinal twist

10 minutes per day to restore your back!

Healthy Back programme

The Healthy Back Programme includes:

  • a downloadable illustrated poster 
  • more than twenty instructional videos
  • three comprehensive programmes - which you can play as a whole or choose specific techniques to meet your needs

You'll be guided through a carefully designed process that first gives you awareness and control of your core stability. It then effortlessly relaxes, realigns and gently stretches tight muscles, strengthening and toning your back. 



How long will it take?

Our clinical trial participants reported dramatic improvements with as little as 10 minutes per day. Their best results were obtained from practising the programme for 8 weeks. 

Imagine being free of back pain for the rest of your life!

Easing back pain will happen when you take action. You and your back are worth 10 minutes a day. 

How can I best use this programme?

The best way to start is to view the core stability video. You will learn how to locate and engage your core stability muscles which is essential for maintaining a healthy back.

Next, practice programme 1 (30 minutes). 

If you have only 10 minutes, practice the activations section, plus one of the other movements (4-6 minutes).

These mindful movements give you a foundation of flexibility and strength that means you can move with confidence, easing away old pains and discovering a new-found freedom of motion.


Slip into the joys of relaxation

Beautiful guided relaxations help you harness the full power of your body's healing potential. We have carefully formulated a series of guided relaxations that will maximise your ability to decrease stress, realign your muscles, and rebuild strength.

What does it involve?

Take your time and work through our guided video instructions.

Core Stability Training has the power to dramatically improve your posture and your sense of wellbeing, and we recommend you begin there.

Follow this with the feel-good stretches and relaxation of Programme 1 or the Seated Programme.

Then move onto our strengthening Stretch and Tone session, Programme 2.



Core stability training - an essential part of the Healthy Back Programme and Dru Yoga

Core stability training

Healthy Back programme

Core Stability Training

  1. Core stability






Programme 1: Stretch and Relax

Cat and half moon stretch, Healthy Back Programme 1 from Dru Yoga

Creating brilliant back mobility

Healthy Back programme

  1. Activations
  2. Foundation sequence
  3. Cat and Half Moon stretch
  4. Piriformis stretch
  5. Lying twist
  6. Bridge and diaphragmatic breath
  7. Relaxation


Programme 2: Strengthen and tone

Healthy Back programme 2 - Sphinx stretch

A welcome lengthening, not a forced bend...

Healthy Back programme 

  1. Activations
  2. Foundation Sequence
  3. Cat and Weaving Cat
  4. Sphinx
  5. Abdominal Strengthening
  6. Piriformis Stretch
  7. Illiopsoas Stretch and Lying Twist (part 2)
  8. Bridge and Diaphragmatic Breath
  9. Relaxation



Seated Programme

Elbow circles from the Healthy Back programme's seated programme

Opening breathing muscles, easing upper back

Healthy Back programme

  1. Activations
  2. Foundation Sequence
  3. Piriformis Stretch
  4. Diaphragmatic Breath





Ready to achieve a strong & healthy back?

Within 10 minutes, you can start dramatically improving your life.

  • Download your online programme
  • Over 20 video clips with expert guidance
  • Core stability, stretching, strengthening and seated programme
  • Simple techniques you can start right away
  • Proven in clinical trials to be effective for reducing back pain

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Testimonial default avatar image

Tracy Marshall

NHS Nurse

I no longer have back pain
and I am better able to manage stress.




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