Gain mastery over your mind and develop the skills to help others transform themselves.
For 15 years this highly interactive meditation course has been transforming the personal and teaching practices of thousands of people. Whether you’re a meditation beginner or seasoned practitioner, this course will enable you to reap all the emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits of profound levels of meditation. Become emotionally balanced, spiritually powerful and come to understand and live your true purpose.
Jane Clapham - Senior Tutor
Read on for more...
The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy.
Paramhamsa Yogananda
Course Overview
Master your meditation practice
and learn how to guide others into stillness and bliss.
Join our expert team for a transformative one-year experience, deepening your experience of meditation and learning how to teach others how to become the master of their minds.
You'll experience a progressive journey of inner growth, with an international community of dedicated people who want to make a difference to the world.
The full course consists of 3 levels:
Level 1 is open to everyone who wants to deepen their personal practice.
Level 2 allows you to go deeper into the advanced techniques.
Level 3, the optional teaching diploma, runs concurrently to Level 2 and enables you to teach others safely.
Meditation Mastery - Level 1
Oct 2020 - March 2021
Mastering mindful awareness and the awakening of the first three layers of your energy system. Develop a powerful and transforming personal practice which brings stability, dynamic energy & emotional freedom.
Meditation Mastery - Level 2
Open to Level 1 grads | Apr 2021 - Sep 2021
Explore advanced meditation practices and deepen understanding of kriyas, concentration and mantra to awaken the more subtle energies of the body.
Meditation Mastery - Level 3
Open to Level 1 grads | April 2021 - Oct 2021
You will learn all the specialised skills to safely and confidently teach specific meditation and mindful awareness techniques from level 1, and to establish your classes.
Course Details
- 6 x 75-minute Group Tutorials (1 per month)
- 9 x Live Teaching Days
- Community Connection
- Optional Meditation Classes
- Mindful Awareness and how to still and quieten the mind at will
- Dru Prana Kriyas and movements to prepare for comfortable sitting
- The science behind meditation's incredible effectiveness
- Meditation's origins in yoga philosophy - from the Vedas to the Gita - and how to apply them to modern life
- Which pranayama techniques to use for the first three koshas to enhance meditation practice
- The specific meditations that clear and awaken the Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya Koshas
Anamaya Kosha
Settling the distracted mind, making friends with and settling the physical body, mindful awareness
- 17 Oct 2020
- 18 Oct 2020
- 21 Nov 2020
Pranamaya Kosha
Liberating the pranic body, pranayama to raise your energy
- 22 Nov 2020
- 16 Jan 2021
- 17 Jan 2021
Manomaya Kosha
Awakening your willpower by balancing the emotions
- 21 Feb 2021
- 20 Mar 2021
- 21 Mar 2021
- 6 x 75-minute Group Tutorials (1 per month)
- 9 x Live Teaching Days
- Community Connection
- Optional Meditation Classes
- Review and assimilation of Level 1 practices
- The specific meditations that clear and awaken the Vignaanamaya and Anandamaya Koshas.
- Advanced concentration techniques to develop a powerful mental focus for success in meditation and life in general
- Advanced prana kriyas – to work on the more subtle koshas
- Dru Meditation Kriyas and advanced practices that transform old patterns and liberate the mind
- Stage 2 - meditative prayer, japa and contemplation techniques
- Meditations from different traditions and cultures
- Mantra meditations to transform emotions and awakening the deeper levels of consciousness
- Ways to overcome resistances of the mind and establish a life-long meditation practice
- Personal guidance to assimilate the deeper work on all 5 koshas
- A road map to apply Dru Meditation to daily challenges - creating lasting joy
- The Luminous Self Meditation - a glimpse of your soul
- Meditation philosophy
- Guidance to create silence in your daily life
Vignaanamaya Kosha
Enhance your wisdom, intuition & intellect
- 25 Apr 2021
- 22 May 2021
- 23 May 2021
Anandamaya Kosha
Advanced practices to help you connect with your innermost divine self. Review and assimilation of all 3 levels.
- 13 Jun 2021
- 17 Jul 2021
- 18 Jul 2021
- 22 Aug 2021
- 25 Sep 2021
- 26 Sep 2021
- 5 x Live Teaching Days (including assessment)
- Community Connection
- Regular Group Tutorials
- Final Assessment live online
- How teaching meditation is different from teaching yoga
- How to perceive and guide the subtle energy of your class
- Teaching skills – how to confidently teach relaxations, prana kriyas and Level 1 meditations
- Structuring and planning meditation classes - with lesson plans for different levels
- How to take meditation into the workplace and present ancient practices in a contemporary way.
Teaching Diploma Days
- 24 Apri 2021
- 12 Jun 2021
- 21 Aug 2021
- 23 Oct 2021
- 24 Oct 2021
Level 1 only
Monthly - £150 x 6
Levels 1 & 2 combined
Monthly - £150 x 12
Level 1, 2 & 3 combined
Monthly - £185 x 12
Level 3 as add on - £410
CPD hours
If you complete all 3 levels of the course, you will gain 108 Meditation Professional Development hours.
24 CPD professional hours and 12 CPD personal development hours.
For more information email:
- Download application form below
- Fill in the blanks on the form and return it to
- Our course team will then be in touch with you to confirm your enrollment and set up your payment plan
Who is this course for?
This mastery course is designed for yoga teachers, health professionals and coaches who want to share the benefits of meditation with others.
You will benefit most from the course if you are dedicated to a regular personal practice and are familiar with some basic Dru Yoga techniques and concepts. For example, Energy Block Release 1, 2 & 3 and have a working knowledge of the chakras and subtle energy systems. These are available on the Dru Yoga Online Studio.
Meet the tutors
Each tutor has practised and taught Dru Meditation for, on average, 30 years each and are passionate about sharing their experiences with you. Your tutor team includes:

Tangye Braund
Without a doubt this course gave me marvellous tools and techniques to help me meditate. And I am sure this has encouraged me to become a stronger, more compassionate person. My immediate response was, "Now I feel whole". But the benefits have not only been for myself, it has been so rewarding teaching and sharing this knowledge to support others ride the ups and downs of everyday life. And believe me – there seems to be many who need help right now.
The peace of mind I gained will last a lifetime. The fun, thirst for learning and feeling totally nourished continues. The joy that I shared with others many years ago transcends time and place and I am still meditating with those dear friends I met on the course.
Don’t wait, don’t hesitate. It's the most perfect opportunity to experience deep truth and connect in such a profound way.
Course manuals
Enjoy beautifully illustrated in-depth course manuals to help your learning.

Dr Gaynor Sharp
Education Consultant
Before the Dru meditation course, I was a reluctant meditator. But, the Dru Meditation teachers had a profoundly beautiful effect on my life. The meditation tools introduced in the course were both accessible and impactful over time. I now have a really excellent, daily meditation practice that has become an integral part of my life. I have found exquisite peace and stillness that is very special.
The Dru Meditation teachers were extremely supportive and patiently supported and eased me into the meditation practices that I really love.

James Taylor
Psychotherapist, Dru Meditation & Wing Chun Teacher
The Dru Meditation course gave me an illuminating experience of being, in which I gained a more profound and holistic awareness of myself and the world around me.
As we were introduced to the Koshas or layers of our being, we were taught relaxation, concentration and meditation practices to enable our ability to discern and develop ourselves.
My learning was facilitated by accomplished and compassionate teachers who inspired me to continue and deepen my learning. I was also helped by the clear structure of the Dru Meditation process which offers a clear form for exploring the inner life and then how it might be applied to our lived lives. Since I qualified, I have committed thousands of hours to my own practice, to teaching Dru Meditation and to undertaking numerous further Dru trainings. The knowledge within the Dru community is so rich, I will grow old learning from it.
My overwhelming feeling is one of gratitude for the course; as the years have unfolded I have become more and more aware of the quality and depth of what I have been given. I warmly commend this training to you.